My son never said anything about death and we never talked about death until the day I found out that our neighbor's three-year-old son had died in their backyard swimming pool. My son, almost 4 at the time, saw that I was upset and said "Cameron is okay. He went to heaven and he's all fixed up. He went home--not to his house--to God. I saw him in the clouds." When I told him I thought he must have dreamed this he said, "No, I really saw it, before I went into the house." He also had a look in his eyes that told me he really believed what he was telling me. It gave me goosebumps.

I tried to figure out where he got the "going home to God" idea when we hadn't talked about it. I talked to the teacher of a Sunday school class he had visited a few weeks before and they had not talked about death at all.