Thanks for all your replies

He has been going on about death and the meaning of life since he was about three and a half and it reaches a peak each time he hears of a death. Nobody has died recently as far as I am aware. We have covered it, or so I thought, with books and discussions. But he is just not satisfied. I dont feel that he is ready emotionally to hear to the answers to some of his more probing questions.

I posted here before about his obsession with numbers and about a year ago he was constantly asking people he had met how old they were. As I had tried to fob him off with telling him that people died when they were a hundred he would then tell them how old he would be when they died. We did get some odd looks.

We are regular church goers and I have had to remove him from the service at times as he is obsessed with and upset by the easter story. This has been since he was two and first came across it. I do try to skirt around the truth when covering subjects that I feel he is not emotionally ready for. Is this what I should do?

He has always been outspoken and observant and asks very intrusive questions in public.

At what age should this interest in death be happening in children?