Hmmm... I think it's pretty common for GT kids to have early concerns about death, though the dreams are something we haven't dealt with.

If it were just death, I'd recommend a book ... and I'll recommend it anyway, in case you find it helpful. It's called "Lifetimes," and my ds6 loved it when he was first thinking about death (he was 4). It's very gentle but matter-of-fact; all living things have lifetimes, and when their special lifetime is over, they die. It goes through animals and plants and then people, explaining that usually people live until they are 70 or 80, but occasionally someone is so sick or gets so hurt that their bodies can't live anymore, and then they die.

Here's the Amazon link if you want to check it out; we got ours used:;s=books&qid=1220289325&sr=8-1

It's completely nondenominational, though, and doesn't deal with the afterlife or religion at all, which is what we wanted. The meaning of life and heaven, though, may be a little trickier to deal with.

As to the meaning of life, you may want to discuss some of the most famous kind people -- Jesus, Mother Theresa, Ghandi. Even though we're not religious at all, we still point to these people as model people, who were very kind to all and used their lives to help others.

Has someone died recently, even a pet? That can increase the interest. Are you regular organized religion attenders? I know in the Catholic church there are a lot of reference to floating up to heaven ... I wonder if religion is actually fueling his fears rather than allaying them. I can see *that* happening easily with a GT child.
