As for active learning and quality of teaching, as I've mentioned previously, I've found it unacceptable that other than the school of education, very few college or university professors are required to have one credit hour of classes in education. I have yet to meet a college student who hasn't told me that they had many, if not most of their professors, who knew their field of study well but really struggled to communicate it well, teach it well, and differentiate well. Simply because one has vast amounts of knowledge in a field doesn't mean they can teach it and that's too often the case at colleges and universities in the U.S.

I see the stirrings of realization that our U.S. colleges and universities are losing the confidence of the people. I see serious changes in post K-12 education coming. Teachers and libraries are no longer the key holders to education, colleges and universities need to update their methods to keep up.

As for the original post of the thread, perhaps the wrong question is being asked, instead I would encourage the question, "What is the best fit for your child and how will I know it?"