The very idea of extra credit questions annoys me. By all means make the last question a challenge question but it should still be part of the 100%. If you grade to a curve then surely the top should still be 100% the bottom 0% and the median 50%. More than 100% is just a nonsense. You can have a 200% increase but you can't get 108 out of 100.

ETA. Sorry but it seems like a grade inflation system. You make the basic test fairly easy so a lot of people score really highly then to reward those who actually are doing well you give them a whole extra section to score even higher. Really many of those people doing really well on the basic test should be getting 70% on a proper test and when I was at university 75 to 80% was a very good mark, 90% was amazing and I think the highest I ever heard of was 98% because no one actually is perfect.

Last edited by puffin; 05/13/19 12:05 AM.