She wasn't diagnosed with dyslexia and definitely doesn't have ADHD. She struggles to decode because she doesn't have great phonological awareness and relies a lot on semantic awareness to read. I am reading Sally Shawitz's book and it definitely resonates with me. She actually reads at the benchmark and isn't technically behind her peers, but you would certainly think she would be reading better. The school on my request has been giving her one-on-one Wilson reading help three times a week for 40-minute sessions. They claim that she is retaining all of the rules and should be done next year. The teacher did have to adapt the program so she went whole to part and not part to whole. She also started integrating visual cues. Since doing this, she is speeding through where she wasn't when it started.

Does this seem like a visual-spatial giftedness? Or no, because her verbal abilities are too high?

THANK YOU! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING! This week I have her trying a private school to give us an option to public. This school is trying to rebrand themselves as a gifted school and has an AMAZING science program which is her thing! The science teacher who knows her from summer camp claims that they will accommodate her in anyway I need. They will give her a laptop, give her reading assistance, etc. She basically said that they want my daughter so badly that I have leverage to make a list a demands. I am so confused! I know public school will get me services, but this school seems to be much more equipped in understanding giftedness and gifted kid quirks.

Last edited by SecretGiftedMom; 03/31/19 01:26 PM.