
Thank you for your replies her results are as follows:


VCI 108 70%
Similarities 13
Vocab 10

VSI 89 23%
Block design 8
Visual Puzzles 8

FRI 88 21%
Matrix 8
Figure Weights 8

WMI 97 42%
Digit Span 5
Picture Span 14

PSI 89 23%
Coding 9
Symbol search 7



Word Reading 114 82%
Reading Comp 102 55%
Decoding 117 87%

Numeracy 90 25%
Maths Problem Solving 105 63%

Spelling 10 73%

I can understand her scores are not in the gifted range but to be honest I thought her overall IQ would be higher as her teacher advises that academically she would be at the top of her class. Teacher says she doesn�t stand out as exceptional but they have noticed recently some challenging behaviour, although she never pushes it to the point of getting in trouble. They feel she plays mind games with the teacher and at times her class mates. The subjects she likes at school are computing and art. She says art makes her angry though as she basically can�t produce what she wants to. At home she can be challenging at times has angry outbursts and I feel she has very good verbal skills, you definitely don�t want to get into a debate with her!!!

Since I last posted we have had an initial appointment with an optometrist who noticed a couple of issues so D has now been referred for a vision therapy appointment. Although we don�t have a diagnosis yet I�m thinking about some kind of visual processing issue and I�m guessing if something like that could have led to depressed WISC scores.

Thank you!