
I am from the UK and am very new to all this. Have recently had DD who is 10 assessed as I was mostly concerned about her attitude towards school. She constantly states she hates school as it is boring thinks a lot of the tasks are pointless and detests homework as it is just repeating what she has learnt at school etc. I think she fits a lot of the characteristics of a gifted learner, has a lot of sensitivities and is definitely a bit quirky.

Her FSIQ came out at 91, however sub test scores ranged from having an age equivalent of 6 years 2 months (digit span) to over 16 years 10 months (picture span). Psychologist noted some language reasoning strength and obvious visual memory strength.

When I asked about the discrepancy in the WMI he just stated this was not common. Can anyone tell me The significance of such a discrepancy in WMI and the significance of having such a strong visual memory? Would she be a gifted visual spatial learner/2e? Psych also mentioned during verbal feedback that he felt she wasn�t really applying herself and was a bit emotionally reserved.

The other thing that I wasn�t sure of is that she had significant discrepancies between her predicted achievement and her actual achievement on the WIAT-III. So it actually looks like she is over achieving. I am wondering if this is because the WISC couldn�t accurately measure her ability? Thank you in advance for any advice and wisdom it will be greatly appreciated as I still feel I�m trying to get to grips with all this.