My son is currently 14yo and will graduate high school this year. Grade skipped 6th grade and took double the load of the normal HS student so high school lasted only 2 years vs 4. During that 2nd high school year (starting summer before at age 12) he did full time dual enrollment here in Georgia at both Oglethorpe University and GA State. The state paid for virtually the entire dual enrollment up to 15 credits/terms. Because he has been taking 21-26 credits/semester he will enter college next year with almost 2 years completed. He has been accepted already to many elite colleges. 99% sure he will go to GA Tech and accepted to start this summer for BME major / pre-med. He will be required to commute till he turns 16 and is allowed to live in a dorm by the school.

My question is has anybody else sent a 14yr/15yr old to college? How was the social stuff navigated? Any tips I can coach him with? Up to this point he has accelerated academically but socially still hung out with his Ice Hockey buddies his own age. He won't be able to continue playing travel hockey next year. This past year in DE courses has been fine but outside group projects, a few on campus lunches and a game or two of online Fortnight he didn't socialize with the college kids. The kids have always been kind and welcoming to him but there is literally a 5-6 year age gap.