Glad to hear she is getting followup achievement testing. For a child with that VCI to be terrible at spelling does suggest a possible SLD in written expression (though sometimes ADHD is enough to explain the spelling, depending on the degree of terribleness--or other factors may be involved, such as fine motor/handwriting). If she doesn't meet criteria for the school to remediate her spelling and written expression (which may be the case, if it's within the average range--which would still be well below her verbal cognition), you can also try home-based Orton-Gillingham-based programs. OG programs are designed for dyslexic/dysgraphic learners, but can benefit any underperforming reader or speller. My usual go-to is All About Spelling ( AAS is relatively inexpensive, easy to use for a parent or responsible college student, and typically received well in 3-5 interactive 20-minute sessions per week. It's also individualized, so she could zip more quickly through some lessons, if she knows them already, or grasps them quickly, and slow down for lessons that need it. I would start from the first lesson of the first level, and not skip any, though, as the sequence and completeness are important.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...