Hi there! Sorry for not responding sooner. There weren't any responses on my post for a while and I stopped checking. Thank you so much for responding.

Private psych did not do achievement testing but DD is scheduled for a WIAT in mid June. The psychologist suspects a written expression specific learning disability.

You are so correct about her mathematical thinking abilities. She can figure out riddles... The farmer, fox, rabbit, grain all need to cross the river type stuff... Almost instantly. It is really cool but it doesn't help get the spelling worksheets finished. She is terrible at spelling.

The school psychologist says that she "doesn't have a need" for gifted services until she performs at the top of her class. MAP tests don't count. They need to see it in the classroom. It is supremely frustrating when the school psychologist tells me, in every conversation we've had, that gifted children display a strong work ethic, a drive to achieve, etc. Without these traits, there is no need for the gifted pull out.

I'm not so sure there gifted pull out is the best choice for her. The kids there supposedly work on higher level projects, critical thinking activities, etc. That would be a welcome change from the worksheets from my girl's perspective. She does want to go to the gifted room. But it is only a 3 day a week pull out for an hour at a time. Even is she gets in, would that even change her situation?

It is purported to be a selective program where a 135 GAI is the minimum requirement. In addition to the 135, kids also need to display a "need for services". There are 25 kids in my daughter's class and 4 of them go to gifted already. If a 135 Wisc score is 99th percentile, I guess I'm dubious that 20% of her classroom scored in the top 1% on an IQ test. Of course I'm frustrated with the school maybe getting cynical about these things.

She obviously needs help with whatever other exceptionalities she's also dealing with. I just wish that the school wasn't fighting me on getting her help with anything. It has been a long, expensive few months with all the testing. And I don't think I'm any closer to knowing how to help her academically than six months ago. Her anxiety and frustration levels are better, so that is something.