My 9 year old girl was recently given the WISC-V during an assessment for ADHD, at the recommendation of a therapist. Results:

GAI- 140
Verbal Comprehension- 133- 99th percentile
Visual Spatial- 119- 90th percentile
Fluid Reasoning- 147- 99.9 percentile
Working memory- 132- 98th percentile
Processing speed-111- 77th percentile

Similarities -16 -98th percentile
Vocabulary -16- 98th percentile
Visual spatial
Block design -13- 84th percentile
Visual puzzles -14- 91st percentile
Fluid Reasoning
Matrix Reasoning -19- 99.9 percentile
Figure weights -17- 99 percentile
Working memory
Digit span- 16- 98th percentile
Picture span -16- 98th percentile

My questions are.. based on these scores alone, should I push for my daughter to bed included in the gifted pull out program at her school? I've been warned by the school psychologist that it will be difficult to get her in. I do not know what the whole process entails. She's not excelling at school now. Her grades and MAP scores are highly variable. MAPs as high as 99th percentile, but as low as mid 70s when she is not dialed into the test. Her teachers in 1st and 2nd grade were not receptive to the idea of having her tested for an IEP for giftedness. One told me that she did not see a gifted child'when she looked at my daughter. The testing that we had done was through an independent psychologist.

Would she be a potential candidate for Davidson's? It seems the only score she has above 145 is there 147 in fluid Reasoning. I don't know if the expanded fluid Reasoning index was done during testing. I can't find it in any paperwork. Is it worth getting additional testing?

Any advice is appreciated.