You've received great advice above. smile I'll just add a few resources and suggestions...
Originally Posted by Isabel
Any book you can recommend? Any suggestions?
Reading material:

A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children, by James Webb PhD, et al
(Dr. Webb is the founder of SENG, also Great Potential Press)

- Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
- Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
- Davidson Database
- Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF)
- Mensa for Kids

- Great Potential Press
- Prufrock Press
- free spirit publishing
- Magination Press, APA

roundup of topics frequently discussed on the forums...
(The "roundup of common Behavior characteristics and early milestones which may indicate giftedness" may be of particular interest.)

1) Follow your child's lead
- When your child is young, this usually means: don't push or "hot-house" or "Tiger parent."
- When your child is older, this usually means: don't over-protect or be a "helicopter parent" or a "lawn-mower parent."

2) Document
- Keep dated records at home in a safe place regarding what your child does... including lists of books read, interests, classes, camps, projects, etc.
- In the future, selected material from this collection may used to...
--- track trends,
--- build a portfolio,
--- apply to a program, camp, class, or volunteer service opportunity,
--- provide an inspiration and/or theme for a college admissions essay.
- When your child is older, he can take over the task of documenting his learning experiences, achievements, and accomplishments.