Sanne, I love the idea of having a volunteer in the classroom that could work with him! I have no idea if this would be an option here, but we are in a university town with a large education school, so maybe a student doing their internship/service learning could be lined up. I took another look at the district's K math curriculum today and the disconnect with my son's current skills is pretty stark (like many kids on here, I'm sure, he had met the end-of-year K goals by age 3 and without instruction). So clarifying our options regarding math will be a high priority.

Regarding being small - I completely agree that it should not stand in the way of needed academic acceleration. I would like to maintain his ability to participate in and enjoy school-based sports, in which eligibility is determined by grade level rather than age, because it is such an important social vehicle for him and allows him to fit in. However, it's only one aspect of his school experience and is years down the road anyway. I'm sorry the school has used "small for age" to try to deny your child needed accelerations!