A diagnosis is not an obligation to medicate him. A diagnosis may unlock some academic help in the form of a 504 plan if you want to share his diagnosis with his school. You can get aggressive about identifying and helping him *without* medication if you so chose.

I would argue that you can't really make and informed decision about medication without trying it and seeing how it effects him. Even if you choose to medicate now, you can decide when to give it (only weekends to help him with his projects and play?), change your mind, and wean him off it when he develops skills to cope with his struggles without medication.

My son was medicated for a couple years but can do fine in school without it now. His emotional control is lacking which is part of ADHD, but his medication doesn't make a difference for that symptom for him. He still has a prescription and we use it just for an intense day, like if he has a friend visit for a whole day.