My daughter just turned 7. I recently finally convinced the school to test her because she can NOT read and her handwriting is horrible. At age 5.5 she received a provisional diagnosis of ASD (I am questioning whether this may be non verbal learning disorder instead), ADHD and SPD. Testing through the school has shown high levels of anxiety and depression regarding school. These are her test results from school. Does anyone see evidence of a disability here? I'm suspecting dyslexia and dysgraphia, but now I have to convince the school that this is the issue. She has slipped under the radar with good silent reading comprehension thus far. I had her evaluated at a tutoring center where the tester said that she was very intelligent and engaging and had dyslexia and dysgraphia. However, I believe that the school is not really seeing either side of this equation. I personally feel that she could be 2E, but we just aren't quite getting the scores to prove that. Her DAS-II and KTEA scores all ended up abysmally average.


Verbal 111
GCA 100
Spatial Ability 95
Special NonVerbal Composite 94
NonVerbal 93

verbal similarities 110
word definitions 110
sequential & quantative resoning 100
recall of designs 100
pattern construction 94
Matrices 88


Written Language 97
Reading 97
Math 97
Academic Skills Battery 96

spelling 99
phonological processing 106
math comp 99
sound-symbol 99
reading comp 98
written expression 98
letter & word recog 97
silent reading fluency 97
math concepts & application 96
decoding 94
reading understanding 93
nonsense word decoding 93
word recog fluency 92
reading vocab 91


cancellation 130

The above were the tests done under the special education evaluation.

Below is the dyslexia evaluation done under general education:

Towre 87

Phoneme Isolation 84
Elison 95
Blending 99
Phonological memory 110
Rapid Naming 113

Decoding 113
Word Recog 99

Oral reding fluency 95
Accuracy 95
Rate 75

Spelling 96

Passage Comprehension 105

Reading comp 95
Listening comp 117

KBIT-2 Composite: 88

Cognitive/academic unexpectedness
Verbal 127
Nonverbal 104

I know that's a lot and I do see that her reading rate is exceptionally low.

Does anyone see anything in these scores that point to issues? I am very, very shocked at how average her DAS and KTEA scores are. I need all of the ammunition I can get with the school so I would love advice from anyone more knowledgeable than me!

I can post her WPPSI-IV results from age 5.5 if I need to. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.