Agreed, well put.

My kids might be able to learn and absorb info at a shocking rate and in some areas they are much more of an expert than I am but there is always more out there to explore. The older they get, the quicker their questioning results in a "I don't know" from me/DH but then we switch to "what do you think?" or "let's look that up together" or even them teaching me a thing or two. We've had some profoundly deep conversations about life and death with them starting as preschoolers where I certainly don't know all the answers but it is fascinating to talk about with them and see how their perspective changes over the years. I'm not always their teacher or guide and my role is morphing into more of a partner along for the ride and encouraging their love and thirst for learning in any way I can.

The other piece of the puzzle for me is to try to find space/new experiences to expose them to and let them explore and broaden their skills and experience. Regardless of how high their IQ's are there is still much to be learned from life experience. It can be little things like chores and helping with house projects. It can be bigger things like participating in sports, the arts, public service, museums, community events or travel. For travel it doesn't even have to be big - just taking public transit downtown in our hometown can be an adventure especially when you get them to plan the route and be the guides. There are lots of life skills and perspective to be gained by expanding our little bubble.

I also aim to put them in situations where they are more "average". DS11, for example, is not particularly sporty/athletic but we keep signing him up for various team sports. It has been great for him to struggle to learn something, work on it and finally master it. It has been great for him to experience being average or even the worst player on a team. It has been great for him to make mistakes and learn to lose with class. He's learning to be teammates with a wide variety of kids. These are all skills that will serve him well in many aspects of life.