Oh, I think he's super smart - maybe not wicked smart like some of your kids;) but I do believe his intellectual potential is very strong. I have been worried that his limitations - ADHD, visual-motor issues affecting writing, processing speed - are not only frustrating him, but inhibiting his ability to perform to his potential and honestly masking it among other adults. I have been like a little terrier on this since he first started kindergarten and was so unhappy - seeing my smart, creative, enthusiastic little boy so miserable in a learning environment broke my heart.

I FINALLY found someone at his school who is really SEEING him - both his smarts and his limitations - and is helping me get him the supports he needs. I literally just got off the phone with her about setting up a 504 for him to get him OT services and accommodations. He is also going to receive vision therapy this summer.

At the time of the testing, I do not think the dose he was on was helping. We have since increased it and I have seen a positive change and have also gotten positive feedback from the school. He still gets distracted, but I think to a "normal 8 yo boy" degree. I wish he had been on that dose at the time of testing, but he wasn't. He has had a hard time falling asleep since we started it, but that seems to be improving.

I think the one PSI subtest that was especially low (coding) probably reflects both his difficulty writing, as well as his perfectionism. He knows his handwriting is messy and takes great pains when he's being evaluated to make it neat.