Gus, my DD8 has a very similar wisc v profile and behavioral quirks--reversals, margins, hates puzzles, misses pluses and minuses. Her biggest handwriting hangup was spaces between words, and that sorted itself out in the past 6 months. Now her biggest struggle is her dyslexic spelling.

I was wondering what kind of math your DD has been asked to do. DD8 is in 3rd but it's accelerated a year maybe such that she's currently working on adding fractions with different denominators. While DD struggled with memorizing addition and subtraction facts (she kept using fingers and worked a little slower--99.8-50th processing speed there?) she easily memorized multiplication facts and has no problem with harder concepts despite a visual perception deficit--even in geometry (so far). I'm wondering if your DD will do better with harder math too.

DD does still have problems with neatness that affects her accuracy, but thankfully it's not affecting her understanding of the concepts. For example, she's likely to mistake a 0 for a 6 in her scribble at the end of working out 64532/41 and get the problem wrong, but her sloppiness is not affecting the overall process.