Thanks so much everyone. I keep forgetting to check back here for responses but I'm appreciative when I see new info. Tigerle, you have it right I think. I don't think his particular difficulties or "symptoms" fit neatly into a single category. It has always been that way. He has a little of this and a little of that. I haven't sought a diagnosis because he functions completely fine in school, gets great grades, plays competitive sport (although we struggle with the emotions of it) and has friends.

As his mom, I just think I see and receive the brunt of things and I wish him neurological calm and comfort . I hate that he is uncomfortable like with the BB thing and the ticcing when it is worse.

I had never considered ADHD ... and I could definitely read up on it. I just still am confused because he isn't "hyperactive"really. I guess it could just be a mild thing ... but he used to do origami for hours and rainbow loom ... very detailed things and could write sentences and form letters (small handwriting) from age 2-3 so I thought he could focus fine. It has just been in recent years that I have noticed his physical discomfort and low tolerance for things like writing/edits/revisions on writing. He can't stand edits or suggestions from me. But it is never like what I imagined ADHD to be with physical hyperactivity. Maybe it is just coming out now at an older age which I guess is possible.