Just had to lol at the belly button thing. I am so grossed out by my belly button being touched and I remember that book "The Belly Button Book" from when DS was little and it made me feel queasy just to read. I also have tons of trouble with motion sickness, I always have to drive and forget sitting backwards on the train! I don't know about most of this stuff, but number 6 is how I felt in school (and still do with paperwork or filling out forms) and I have mild ADHD. Concentrating on something boring makes me feel physically sick. And almost all of school was boring for me, so I was a poor student. When I got to college and was able to choose what I was interested in and select only courses without homework requirements I did very well. I found a job where I get to be active and drive between locations throughout the day and it's perfect for me. If I had to balance a checkbook I'd probably be in tears by the end and yelling and throwing things, but I don't consider myself lazy in general just because it takes me so much effort. And I never balance a checkbook.