Okay I've been trying to piece together different puzzle pieces for about 10 years for my son and we've gotten various alternative and conventional therapies for different things over the years. He is 11 now and a lot of his "issues" have improved, but he still has some lingering:

1. Auditory: Just did auditory processing disorder testing done and is in normal range (no APD dx) for everything hearing wise and greatly accelerated in language portion. BUT often has to make the speaker (outside of family) repeat what they are saying. Everything else listening seems fine, just that one thing and I think once he is further into a conversation it gets better. The initial hearing is always a fail though.

2. Vestibular: Has a "mild" Vestibular Dysfunction dx ... spinning is intolerable and gets motion sickness in cars. But the OT doesn't see a need to continue therapy.

3. Emotional regulation : This has gotten a lot better over the years. Now the only time it really erupts is in soccer games (when things are not going well or so perceived). Always on way to games he thinks he will be fine but in midst or toward end/after game he falls apart. My theory is the increased adrenaline makes it extra hard to self regulate and think clearly of strategies.

4. Fidgeting/Tics. Since age 5 tics but never severe. In past year has incorporated "drumming" and knuckle cracking by making fists. I never have discovered the reason for the tics but have had an underlying suspicion that his nervous system is just too overactive. Anxiety runs in one side of the family but I wouldn't say he really is generally anxious. But can't lay still like for a yoga savanna with eyes closed if his life depended on it.

5. Weird belly button sensitivity!! Apparently even talking about the belly button makes him extremely frustrated and uncomfortable. It isn't debilitating per se but it is a big source of aggravation that he tries to ignore. Past year or two, just found out. Caused by anything touching BB (or the thought of it).

6. He has been tested various times over the years and is in gifted or highly gifted range and is in SSA for math but he is LAZY. This is not an issue of he is not being challenged etc. He abhors the idea of "effort" and "work" and "homework" and "studying" ... is this a symptom of something??? Sometimes I think it is related to the auditory and emotional regulation problems ... just not putting the effort in to listen enough or control the emotions. Ex: If a reward is given he will not cry during a soccer game! He gets good grades but it seems like he is putting forth very little effort for them and acting like he is working so hard (like a tiny worksheet for homework is arduous, and it really isn't even time consuming it is just "effort").

I know this is all over the place, but we've tried so many things and I am just wondering where to go next. Brain Balance??? Very hesitant. OT again?? Just ignore it all and hope for the best?