I agree that the devil is in the details. I don't see this as a black and white issue. I'm not proposing eliminating group discussions. The question is whether computer tools can, perhaps as an adjunct, make teaching more efficient. If a gifted kid can at least go at their own pace to more advanced material, that's better than having the class as a unit taught to the 40th percentile. Its not a total solution but I'm trying to get something to the 1 million gifted children stuck in that situation. Have you guys got any solutions to offer? We've been trying for decades to get gifted more resources, as special needs kids do. As far as I can tell we're losing ground steadily. Because its a zero sum game. Because gifted myths persist. Because people say "poor little rich kid" about "poor little gifted kid". Because we haven't faced squarely the realpolitik of public education.

One problem though. if we could make learning more efficient, the teachers unions would oppose it out of job security concerns.