Thanks, aeh! Yes, I think the written would likely improve immensely with more explicit instruction. I don't think she's gotten much there since 2nd grade, outside of a CTY class we took last summer (which was great, but insanely overpriced). Her 3rd grade teacher was a real free spirit, and now she's in a multi-grade split class and they're all about projects & problem solving and so much LESS about "how to write a thing".

But I do find her math scores perplexing. She's taking Pre Algebra through AoPS right now and doing fine (would probably benefit from more explicitness here, too, but simultaneously finds the class discussion "too slow" and sometimes you just can't win). But again, all atual instruction was below-grade until this class, where the teacher teaches "whatever the class needs right now".

Our elementary goes through 6th and she's got another entire year in this elementary hicap program before she'll reach a school where she could potentially move into higher level classes.

Last edited by Aufilia; 10/26/16 11:02 AM.