DD11 had a very extensive AT eval in 2nd grade that led to a detailed report, using an iPad throughout her school day and a seemingly endless series of apps. She uses CoWriter a lot - it allows her to move between voice to text and typing as needed. She has had years of OT, the last 2 focusing on cursive in case that worked better. She can now write a very simple note, ie say thanks or happy birthday, but no way would handwriting work for general school work. She had an app that allowed her to photograph a math work sheet and use her finger rather than a pencil to write answers but now prefers a pencil and paper. She also uses text to voice a lot when doing internet research as well as load of audio books. Lots and lots of accommodations and apps starting in 3rd grade when she was placed OOD in spec Ed school. We still have the AT specialist as a member of the team consulting about 10 hours a year. Ask specific questions and I'll try to answer.