Awww... you guys are all awesome! Thanks for all the shared joy!

We told MrWiggly about the plan before bed tonight. He is so excited. I cried when he told my husband "This is just like when I first started school. Remember when I was so excited to go? But then I had that math that I hated and I never wanted to go to school. But tonight I feel like I'm starting all over. I don't think I can go to sleep tonight! I can't wait to go to school tomorrow!!"

You guys, he's SEVEN years old!!!! How can a seven year old say that?? And how could we not have realized how bad it was and why??? I am so glad we did that testing. Tonight DH said how he recalls his boredom at school and how he hated going and was called lazy and daydreamer and so on. He cried thinking about how much worse it has been for MrWiggly.

Well, enough beating myself up. We seem to be on the right track again. Look to the future, right? All those good wishes from your mouths (or keyboards!) to God's ears. Thanks, you guys!!