We had DS in PT and I think it actually helped more than OT. The OT seemed like it was borderline quackery. The only reason I took him (and am doing it again now) is because he is more cooperative with strangers than with me. If hypotonia or muscle weakness is a concern, the PT helps build core strength which then helps with writing. I haven't been able to get DS in for a PT assessment yet (he was exited a long time ago but clearly needs to go back in), however he obviously has a problem with muscle tone, for instance when he writes he holds his head up with his left hand and isn't even holding down the paper. So the OT played Battleship with him last time, making DS lie on his stomach propped up w/ his elbows. The idea was to build up muscle tone so he's not all slumped over when he writes. Sounds silly but it is difficult for him to lie that way and I don't think he'd do it here at home. If I can get him back into PT I'm hoping the PT can do exercises w/ him (sit ups, etc) so we're not wasting time w/ it in OT.