Originally Posted by Ocelot
My son, who is on the older end of 4, had an independent OT eval after his pediatrician diagnosed him with dyspraxia based on his exam and the school OT report. I just got a copy of her intake assessment, which included a Beery VMI at the 18th percentile and a PDMS--2 VMI at the 50th percentile.

Ocelot, did you received a copy of the subtest scores for the Beery? They are very useful in determining whether or not the challenge is visual in nature or fine motor. I'm sorry I don't know anything about the PDMS.

[quote[My impression of him is that he is a very good spacial thinker when motor is not involved [/quote]

This is very similar to my dyspraxic ds - he is definitely a visual spacial thinker, he visualizes when he thinks, sees movies in his head, and is really super-capable drawing 3d objects etc, even though he has some fairly severe fine motor challenges related to his dyspraxia. The key is that dyspraxia is related to the connection between brain and muscle action, rather than just an isolated case of a muscle not being able to work, such as if you'd torn a ligament connection muscle at a joint etc. The muscle can function, but the signal to trigger the motion is challenged. Hope I'm explaining that ok - I'm not a professional, just a parent lol!

Did the OT make any recommendations for therapy?

Best wishes,
