What neuromuscular testing would they do? DS had something like this in preschool just to rule out certain things like muscular dystrophy. The strange thing about DS was that his motor skills were normal as an infant and toddler and then he just failed to make progress. I have a photo of him standing up without holding onto anything for support when he was 8 months old. He started walking at 10 mo. old. Now he has developmental coordination disorder?
Anyway, I remember the same thing with the scissors and how he could pass those tests, and was techinically "on track" for his age, but he was incredibly awkward and it took so much more effort than what would be normal. DS is now 9. I wish I had better news about how things have turned out so far. His main issue is his handwriting. It got a lot better for a time when he had a teacher who worked with him a lot, but then back downhill.

He did have visual perceptual testing with the OT when he was 6 and had a brain injury which caused his eyes to not be aligned (Test of Visual Perceptual Skills?), and all of his scores were above average, and he hit the ceiling of the test on a couple things, like visual spatial ability and visual memory (even though the test is normed up to adult age). The neuropsych stated that any test that combines physical and mental abilities may not show a deficit. I think that's why he did so well on the Beery before but when he was only given the motor coordination part of it, the problem became apparent. When he had neuropsych testing he did a test called the "Grooved Pegboard" which was also purely physical and his scores were poor.