Helpful reference, spaghetti.

I think the summary of the OSEP letter would be that communications intended only for the parent (e.g., report cards, in the ideal) may include disability information, but communications intended for third parties (prospective employers, admissions to further education) may not.

So if you requested a current transcript for your child (such as when applying to a private school), it should have any indication of disability (references to IEP/504/accommodations) removed from it. (Although modifications to instructional level can and should be included.) The murkiness would come in when schools request copies of report cards in their admissions process, at which point the report cards become a kind of interim transcript, and should be scrubbed of references to disabilities.

Whether you intend to apply to another school or not, it might be a good idea to request a copy of a current transcript, so any HIPPA/FERPA violations on the transcript can be identified prior to sealed transcripts being sent anywhere.

Last edited by aeh; 07/04/16 10:12 AM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...