Just our experience...Our OT outside of school discontinued services when out DD11 (who was 10 at the time-dyslexia & dysgraphia, and right handed syndactyly)reached 24 words per minute. He said that continued practice was the only thing left to bring benefit and sessions were not needed for that. He gave us a home plan for continued practice As for handwriting, he did some instruction but again, he indicated that practice for the basics for when actual writing was needed was what remained. He did give us lots of sheets to practice with (handwriting) and recommended kidstype or typingclub for typing practice. For OT in school, our DD got 20min once per week for 1 school year. We actually saw better results having her using the online typing programs, practicing every day, than OT so we were fine with discontinuing OT. Best wishes with your quest for continued services.