Oh, my. KG was doing similar things at a similar age (and more), but I wasn't thinking much of it at the time -- if anything, I was *censoring* myself on my birth board so that others wouldn't feel bad! I didn't think it was all that unusual, tbh, and wasn't exactly out of resources ... I'd just hand him my cell phone and tell him we were leaving the park in 5 minutes, and he'd figure out when that would be, LOL! No pricey resource there. smile

I feel bad for the little girl ... The mother sounds like she has some serious insecurity issues. However, the little one is clearly quite bright. I hope everything works out for them ... Honestly, I'd worry about the kid getting a "better than thou" attitude with all the exposure. Sad to say, but I do wonder if the mom is looking to be the next guess on Letterman ...
