You guys always have the best way to describe things :-) I think I am just being thrown by some of her comments...she shared that her daughter, "speaks conversational english,
over 200 words in american sign language, around 50 in mandarin chinese, some french, and is learning spanish because her fathers side speaks spanish. the only reason she doesnt know more words in these foreign languages is because of my limited funds for supplying her with the additional educational material.
...which I don't understand...why in the world would you need to purchase materials to teach her words in another language?

Then she went on and basically explained that she no longer uses the library as an avenue for getting books because she didn't have time to preview all of them - other moms had given her ideas about letting her child explore other countries or topics of interest and that there are amazing books at the library for sharing info and her response was...."the books at the library are not an option. i dont mind incurring the prices of books for her to add to her personal collection. i have to review all her materials before presenting them to her. in one of her hooked on phonics books they have a gun and knives on one of the pages- i placed stickers over those items since it was only on one page. it is difficult finding books she is interested in and that is appropriate- so i purchase them when i find them! dvds are the best way to give her an insight to other countries besides going there.

Others asked about having her child in with other children for some of the day so she can interact with others and she replied that she didn't like her child around other children her age and she wrote that her daughter, "needs 1st grade. she does not fit in with other 2 year olds and is only brought to tears by their normal behaviors. the average 2 year old says mine, grabs, hits, some bite. (she has never done any of this due to my method of guidance. she does not understand why other kids do it and takes it personal.) when the other kids hit or grab toys her little heart breaks. she doesnt understand why her "friends" as she calls everyone would hit her, or grab toys from her..... she then had her daughter placed in an older classroom but pulled her when the teachers served "sugar water" and cookies...I guess I am just amazed to hear a parent say that they have reached the end of their resources and her daughter is only 2 when they are SO many amazing things out there...oh well - thanks for the input!