DS6 takes his Single subject acceleration math test this week to skip 1st grade. He has to get a perfect score to pass, including showing his work.

I have given him last year's test 5-6 times over this year and he always makes some silly mistake. This weekend he did the whole test right, but when writing the equation that matches the story for one problem he copied 2 + x = 20 (answer was 8) instead of 12 + x = 20 in the show your work part despite getting the right answer of 8 to the problem.

So basically he knows the math but he doesn't have the patience/focus to take tests perfectly yet. And he's 6, so that seems not at all age appropriate anyway!

I kind of hate that I made him spend any time preparing for a dog and pony show that is so rigged he is sure to fail. But one way or another here we are and this week is the week.