It drains me that DS6 cannot go through any aspect of life without doing it with an astounding level of intensity - he wants to play games EXACTLY according to his own rules, he is ALWAYS talking and never stops to take bite or get dressed or get ready for bed unless we prompt him about 10 times per bite or item of clothing, we can't correct him with his homework AT ALL, he gets impatient if we stop reading them a book even if it's for a nanosecond, he refuses to play with any child unless HE has decided he wants to play with them, he will not take no for an answer when he HAS decided, he is MORTIFIED if I speak in a "cute voice" (according to him) in front of other kids because it embarrasses him, and so on, and so on, and so on. It's amazing that no aspect of life is so mundane that he wouldn't be intense about it.

Does this resonate with anyone? I am mentally exhausted before I even leave the house for work in the morning, and sometimes I really resent him for it.