Originally Posted by blackcat
So what if a kid has an advanced sense of humor and thinks things that are absurd are hilarious? Enjoys sarcasm? Makes up jokes (which adults would think are stupid jokes but probably advanced for his age). Would that be impossible or unlikely if there is ASD? DS seems very advanced w/ his humor and loved books like Captain Underpants when he was only 5 or 6. He giggled all the way through Monte Python. Other kids who are 9 years old probably wouldn't get it at all. But other things about him scream out ASD, like his poor eye contact, awkward conversations w/ peers, etc. Part of what makes him come across as awkward, though, is his unusual voice prosody, but he was just diagnosed with verbal dyspraxia which would explain it.
My DS is hands down hilarious. His humor is his social language. I wouldn't discount an ASD possibility in a highly verbally gifted kid.