Okay, first if she has been diagnosed with ADHD, that means that she is probably missing social cues. If someone is missing social cues, they may appear more delayed in social development. Minecraft can be a great buffer because it can be what you want it to be and is kind of like a universal currency for kids. Most kids love Minecraft, so it's a ticket to acceptance.

Like aeh, as a child I documented and dissected social situations because I wanted to understand how they worked- I had had some bad experiences and wanted to figure out how to improve my outcomes. Both myself and my brother went through this stage, and now we are very good at reading the room and are very good at social situations.

Also with labels, they are just that. Ways of looking at a particular thing and trying to determine what you need to do to help your child. Getting a label is important if you need services, and often useful in trying to understand what challenges your child needs help with. But labels can also keep you from seeing the whole picture that is your kid. I had a friend who worked in special ed - she told me to be careful with labels, because she had one kid there who had TEN labels…

There is a really good book you might want to read if you haven't already read it, Eight Keys to Raising the Quirky Child.