Dear aeh & polarbear,

Thanks so much for your feedback. I hadn't really noticed the Matrix Reasoning subscore, and it makes sense to me that a relative weakness in this area may be causing some problems. We do try to create a calm and predictable environment for her, but the problem is that she is the one who makes things un-calm and unpredictable. We have always tried to give our daughter choices, as the experts suggest, to give her the illusion of control. That may have worked 3-4 times when she was 2 years old, but she quickly realized that she didn't like any of the choices we gave her.

There wasn't any additional testing done about visual-motor integration, but I will ask if it would be helpful. "Perfectionist" was actually the psychologist's term. My wife and I would probably say that our daughter "gets stuck" or obsessed with something, and she has a lot of trouble stopping or transitioning to something else (even when that something else is preferable to her current activity).

Do you know if there are any games or other activities that we could play with our daughter to improve her matrix reasoning and processing speed? I'm wondering if improving these abilities would also help her improve her coping skills.