Did your daughter have any additional testing from the psych to look at things such as visual-motor integration? I'm not as familiar with the WISC-V as the WISC-IV, but fwiw the degree of discrepancy of your dd's test scores (PSI vs everything else) is very similar to the discrepancy in my 2e ds who has Developmental Coordination Disorder. There are a few signs that suggest to me (just a parent, not a professional psych, so take what I say with a big grain of sale smile )... that suggest it's worth looking into the reason for the discrepancy in scores: you've noted that your dd is seeing a SW for anxiety, and you've mentioned perfectionism. Have you noticed what you think is perfectionism in your dd's school work or at home? If so, when does it occur, what type of activities? When did her anxiety start - has she always been anxious, or is it something that ramped up when she started school? Is there anything at school that she worries about or complains about? The reason I ask those questions is that it's possible the anxiety your dd is experiencing is occurring because she's faced with a challenge that is related to the discrepancy in processing speed and the other scores. The discrepancy could be due to *many* different reasons, so checking into it further, in the light of having the anxiety, is worth pursuing.
What looks like perfectionism can also be a sign of a challenge. For instance, maybe a child who has a relatively low score on Bug Search is a perfectionist and just wants to make sure he/she has the right bug circled each time. Or maybe the child has a hard time drawing a circle around the bug. Or maybe the child has a hard time seeing the differences in the bug vs other bugs. Or maybe the child has a tough time focusing. There can be so many different reasons for behaviors that look like perfectionism - so if you've got a questionable test score (I'm not saying the test score is potentially incorrect, but questionable in that it doesn't line up with others), a child with anxiety, and a child with what looks like perfectionism - my first priority would be to try to test further to really understand that dip in scores.

Again, I'm not a professional, just a 2e parent who's child had similar scores like that at the same age, we chalked it up to a gifted kid with perfectionism, and two years later when he was finally diagnosed, I really wished I could have gone back in time and figured it out earlier.

It's possible there's nothing at all up with your dd's psi score - but testing to be sure won't hurt anything and may give you some peace of mind.

And I also agree - a happy childhood is the most important consideration smile

Best wishes,
