I sincerely doubt that our DSs are on par! I did a quick scan of a few of your posts, and I can guarantee you that my DS is not applying laws of physics. wink He will use the word "engineering" correctly, but certainly wouldn't be able to make a suspension bridge out of match sticks or anything. In my view, that's a critical difference.

Mind you, there are other aspects of his intelligence that are really interesting too. He has always had a neat ability to perceive things in an interesting way and/or make neat connections. We were stuck in traffic once when he was 3 and he piped up with "We need Sergeant Murphy!" (a character who is always directing traffic in Richard Scarry books). He was 4 and would compare the whipping in the ice-cream maker to a tornado. He sees a spot where kids were digging in the snow and he says it looks like a meteorite crater. He sees a big fluffy snowfall and says it looks like a snow globe. And there are countless examples like this. I just love his way of seeing the world!

He also comes up with the wildest questions sometimes, like last year: "Mommy, what do you call that when you look at the sun and it looks small but you know it's really, really big?" or "How did the very first plants get made?". But it's not like he's going to turn around and learn everything about evolutionary biology or anything!

Whatever it is, it's still pretty cool to witness. But if he's anything more than MG, I'll eat my hat. smile