Thanks to each of you.

Indigo, I'm guessing that he is probably gifted with language as well. He has always loved to play with words and has an impressive vocabulary (at least I think he does). From the age of 3, he would use words like "soaring", "investigating", "gather", "chorus", "hypothesis", etc. And he speaks so differently than most kids - "leave the door ajar", "quench my thirst", "harvesting snow", "good engineering", "scurried across", "slipped past", and so on. The other day, we were reading a Batman book and he said "Poison Ivy said 'divine', get it?". It took me a second. I'm assuming his strong vocabulary is also a possible indication that he could be gifted.

It's all pretty fascinating to me. And while I was never tested as a child (we lived in a small rural town and it was never even considered as an option), I think I probably would have tested as gifted. I learned to read before heading off to school, don't remember a single time when I ever actually had to "learn" anything at all through school, and struggled a bit at first at university because I had never learned to study.

Mind you, I should add that DS is probably only MG. And quite frankly, I think most people and their DC on here are on a whole different level. I thoroughly enjoy reading posts just to see what some of these DC are accomplishing! smile