So we met with the school IEP team today. They did in fact forget the working memory pieces of the testing. Oh well.. The results were interesting. The overall scores for both WISC and WIAT were much lower than previous testing. The really interesting piece was that working memory % went from 63% on WISC IV (June 2014) to 95% on WISC V (Jan 2016). Which is totally puzzling to see such a difference. Maybe doing those sections separately on a different day helped the results???? She is putting together an IEP report and will give us the entire list of scores including subtests. In past meetings, they never believed our daughter was "gifted". Previous testing was always done privately. This testing was done by the school psych. She said she had never seen scores so high ..then again, she readily admitted she didn't know much about gifted kids. We had to chuckle because we are certain these scores are not quite right but because the school did the testing, the principal actually admitted that now they have to do something about it. We were not happy when the recommendation was that they put her in a special ed program to help with her writing (dyslexia and syndactyly). The school OT did chime in saying that would make things worse because those kids are on the other side of the learning spectrum. We left after 90 minutes with no action plan. So we will continue to homeschool and continue intensive therapy for the dyslexia, organization skills, vision therapy, etc. and see how it goes in a couple of years. Both our twins are thriving in homeschool so I am perfectly fine keeping them home. Thanks again for all your help and guidance. I so appreciate being able to bounce things off of you all and your willingness to share your experiences.