As always, wonderful advice above.

I won't duplicate, but I'll add a couple of thoughts:

Remember that school, while it occupies a disproportionate amount of time in the lives of children, ultimately is only a very small part of who your daughter is, and of the form her life will take in adulthood. Step around to the other vantage point, and admire her incredible resilience, optimism, determination, and strength (all attributes YOU helped grow in her), which will have more to do with her long-term outcomes than any disabilities she may live with.

And for yourself:

Give yourself permission to relax a little, to refresh and take care of yourself for a moment, to spend some time re-discovering your own joys and identity apart from being your daughter's champion. (Of course, that will always be part of your identity--you're a good mom!). Remember that the uncared-for caregiver eventually becomes unable to caretake effectively.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...