Thank you all for your responses, I really appreciate it. PB I did not react well, basically I burst into tears so that didn't really help. I just was taken by surprise, so to have someone tell me that I was "THAT parent" when I had tried very hard never to be "THAT parent" - well it really upset me.

My instinct is to keep everything separate from the school, but her teacher said she thought we should check, she said her oral reading is very choppy and not fluid compared to other students in her class. So I thought it's easy, they just need to check her reading by having her read a passage or two - I didn't know I was going to get an opinion on my general character.

Aeh I think inattention probably figures into it somehow, and her brother has problems with impulsivity and attention as well (although neither of them lose things, etc.) but it doesn't seem severe. I'm going to try to have her read more interesting material and see if that makes a difference.