I'm also wondering if you meant psychologist or counselor?

Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
We have found that this is personality-dependent as much as it's related to LOG or anything else.

Ditto our experience with trying to find counselors. I'm also wondering - does your dd want to see a counselor, or is this something you think she needs to do and she's being dragged into it? If it's the latter, it might be extra tough to find someone who she can develop a good working relationship with. That doesn't mean it isn't worth seeking out the help, but it might mean stepping back and rethinking it. We've been through high-anxiety phases with our ds where we thought counseling was important (same for our younger dd), and neither child meshed well with any of the counselors we tried so we let it go and did our best to help them deal with it at home. Later on, ds needed therapy for other issues, and we found that it was much easier to find a good fit on the therapist at that time because he saw the value in the sessions. Hope that makes sense.

Best wishes,


ps - re how to find someone - network network network... ask anyone and everyone you know who's had any kind of knowledge of local professionals. Ask your ped, ask your friends, call up and talk to people, research online. I'm also perhaps an outlier on this angle, but I've found with my kids that it is more important to focus on the personality and approach of the counselor/etc more so than require that they have extensive experience with gifted children.

Last edited by polarbear; 01/04/16 03:05 PM.