DS psychiatrist allowed me to choose and so we're going with Lamictal for now--better SE profile and generic. Downside is it takes much longer to titrate and see if it's effective.

apm--I agree with your take it with a grain of salt attitude about this. My son has had a really difficult time with side effects on stimulants and his one SSRI attempt was short/unsuccessful, so I'm going with "what can it hurt?" The biggest risk I see, at this point, is if the physician relies on this technology alone.

DS' doctor said that one advantage of being a young psychiatrist is they are required to learn a lot about this in medical school. He didn't seem to be saying there's any magic here, just that it helps narrow the crapshoot a bit.

BSM--DS doesn't fully meet ADHD diagnostic criteria, either, but his impulsivity has been an ongoing issue, and he has pretty much zero EF. I don't think the stimulant really helps with some aspects of EF but it does help with *something*. I'll be interested to see if he has a positive response to the new medication, and if his anxiety is addressed, what that looks like.