Portia, your son sounds very mature. He seems secure and happy as a singleton. How do you/he meet his social needs? Any ideas that have worked for your family?
Ivy, 😊 I was thinking that when she is old enough, dd might like to babysit. It will be fun to see how she reacts to little children then. I suspect she will like it. I love children and when we have company, I spend more time with the kids than the adults and I love it.
Fruitydragon, I will have to look into it. I am myself not very well versed with China's one child policy and its implications. You have piqued my curiosity so I will be researching this topic this weekend.
I have a feeling logic is not going to win us this situation. Like HK mentions, I need to acknowledge her desires and explore the root cause and see how we can work on addressing those in creative ways that do not include addition of a sibling to the family.