HK, your post made me sad, both for your dd and mine. Like your dd, mine does not fit the negative stereotype of an only child. She is compassionate, totally understands the needs of others even when they are not stated, and is always there for others. She will help little kids at the playground if they are struggling with something, will comfort a child who is hurt and play with a kid who has no one to play with. So she cannot understand why the same kids she stood by don't want to play with her the next day. She did mention one girl in her class she wants to be friends with so I arranged a play date they both enjoyed. I am going to make an effort to arrange more play dates with more of her classmates to help dd make friends. Like aquinas suggested, we will find some community projects she can be part of to feel like she belongs to a larger entity than just her family. I have never dismissed dd's feelings and I agree with you HK on respecting her wishes even if the decision is mine. Thank you for your post, even though it was not what I wanted to hear.