I wouldn't worry about the ASD thing. If the behaviors are similar, it could be that some of the interventions would be, as well. This isn't discussed all that often here, but there are plenty of very gifted children who do not have social problems and are more flexible/adaptable than ours. My only point is that PG itself isn't likely to fully account for *some* of your DS' struggles.

Do the scores you have show any weirdnesses (that is not a clinical term)? People seem more receptive to hearing about "gifted" scores (whether or not you use that word) when you are also describing discrepant scores. I blah blah'd to a SPED teacher friend ad nauseum about DS' challenges and diagnoses and her eyes were pretty glazed over *until* I told her the part about a nearly three standard deviation discrepancy between GAI and PSI. She was much more understanding of the situation at that point, and not one moment sooner.