Thank you for all the great advice and support. It is nice to know he isn't the only one going through this, and that I'm not the only one feeling helpless, too.

The good news is that everyone in his class has a Chrome book, so access to a computer is not an issue. It is that he doesn't want to use it when others aren't. Last night I proposed the idea to him to go to the library when it was time to write so he wouldn't be among his class (and stick out), but he wasn't willing to talk about it. I think it was all too much for him emotionally.

For the standing desk, there is one single standing desk that is shared by the class, but he has priority if he wants it. However I suspect he doesn't want to kick off whomever might be using it. They work at tables, and about a month ago raised an entire table to standing. For some reason his teacher didn't put him at this table. I was surprised but didn't push the issue. I may have to.

My gut feeling is that there isn't really anything I can do at this point, and like many said just wait until he sees he has to use the accomodations. However since first grade he just doesn't complete his work or has to bring things home to finish. I'm know it bothers him to not finish, but so far it hasn't been enough to motivate him to use the accomodations.

I haven't had a chance to read the links Platypus101 sent. I'll find some time later tonight.